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“Continuous improvement” is the philosophy upon which founders, Dave Smith, and Sabatino Guerriero, have meticulously built their company. Having successfully led Triple Crown Consulting for 20 years, Dave and Sab have overcome various challenges, met significant company milestones, and continue to have ambitious goals for the future. Padma Sunkara and Ravi Arimilli had the foresight to provide financial backing of Triple Crown from the very beginning. This foursome’s willingness to fight through early and frequent adversity is the foundation upon which Triple Crown was built and a primary reason why it continues to thrive. Join Dave and Sab as they celebrate their 20 years of success and breakdown their Triple Crown journey.   

Starting from Scratch 

Dave and Sab were inspired to start Triple Crown Consulting because felt that they could solve manpower related engineering problems better than any existing competition at the time! “We were young and ambitious” said Sab, “we had a tremendous amount of confidence and were ready to start our own journey.” When Triple Crown was officially established, Dave served as the sole Technical Recruiter and Sab served as the sole Account Manager. Their workspace was small and modest, consisting of second-hand residential home furniture and limited resources such as rolodexes, landline telephones, and phone books. During this time, Dave and Sab laid the foundation for future success, creating the company business model and establishing the company’s eight core values. Despite these humble beginnings, Dave and Sab envisioned huge success, having an early goal of eventually exceeding $100 million dollars in annual company revenue.

Overcoming Challenges 

According to Dave, the biggest hurdle that he faces involves the human component of running a business. Managing emotions, personalities, and opinions is always a challenge. Engaging in active listening and being receptive to feedback are great ways to manage this. In addition, Dave cites making “wise decisions” with limited information and time constraints as another hurdle. Dave navigates this by asking his peers for advice and being unafraid to make mistakes. “Go with your instincts and always maintain a growth mindset.” Lastly, striving to find quality employees presents a unique challenge. A quality employee will have passion for the business and serve as someone that you can collaborate with. For example, Sab holds Triple Crown leadership in high regard, viewing them as respected peers and often relying on their input to make smart and informed decisions.

Key Milestones in Our 20-Year Journey 

A significant milestone in Triple Crown’s journey was breaking $30 million dollars in annual revenue. “We were stuck at $30 million for an extended period of time and struggled to eclipse it” said Dave. To make this milestone a reality, Dave and Sab focused on developing a strong back office, adding key additions in a specific order. Triple Crown initially added a Finance department, followed by Marketing, HR and eventually IT. Triple Crown also opened offices in Phoenix, AZ and San Jose, CA. “These expansions significantly increased our potential for growth.” To exceed their $30 million milestone, Dave and Sab adapted, creating a support system that the company was lacking.

Another major milestone has been Triple Crown’s ability to reach and impact the lives of various candidates and clients. “It’s rewarding to know that we’ve put thousands of engineers to work and helped numerous clients complete their projects on time,” said Dave. As a company, we pride ourselves on offering opportunities to work on cutting edge technology such as advanced aerospace equipment and state-of-the-art hardware and software technology. At Triple Crown, reaching the market is a top priority, and we’re always looking to increase the number of candidates and clients that we can support.

Future Vision: What’s Next for Our Company? 

Dave and Sab are committed to continuous improvement. Our long-term goal is to become a $1 billion-dollar company. We want to leave a legacy, a successful company that exists long after we retire. One of the ways Dave and Sab plan on achieving this goal is by transforming Triple Crown into a full-fledged services organization. If you’re interested in learning more, check out our blog on Managed Services for more details. “We never want to stop growing,” said Dave, we want to open more locations and have a production staff of 300+ employees by 2028. In the short term, Dave and Sab are always looking to identify good leaders that are as passionate about helping others as they are. “We’re always looking for the next superstar, someone that has a growth mindset who will take our company to the next level!”  

In Closing

Of all the accomplishments in their 20-year journey, Triple Crown’s founders are most proud of their internal employees. The most rewarding part of their journey has been the ability to develop their internal staff into leaders and productive members of society. “We’re beyond proud of our flourishing organization,” said Dave. “Every team member’s wedding, new addition to their family, or home purchase is what inspires us to keep going.” “It’s the ultimate reward!”  

As Triple Crown reminisces, we remain locked in, focused on the future, and excited at what lies ahead. We will continue to grow, learn, and get stronger as our former best becomes our new baseline. The Triple Crown team is as passionate as ever and is ready to take on new challenges. Bring on the next 20 years!